What is a Third-Party Cookie? – TechTarget-6024

What is a Third-Party Cookie? – TechTarget-6024
What is a Third-Party Cookie? – TechTarget-6024
Note :Bức ảnh bên trên thể hiện rất rõ ràng về chủ đề What is a Third-Party Cookie? – TechTarget-6024 ( https://www.techtarget.com › definition ) , nội dung bài viết về The Third Party Chap 5 vẫn đang tiếp tục được các phóng viên cập nhật . Hãy quay lại trang web hàng ngày để đón đọc nhé !!!Top 16 the third party chap full hay nhất 2022 được cập nhật vào ngày 24/10/2021

Nội dung bài viết:

A first-party cookie is placed on a website by the publisher/owner of the site, and collects user data for the publisher/owner.

For example, if a website user requests an image from the same site domain (by clicking on the image, for example), the cookie with the attribute SameSite will record user information.

When a user makes a request to the browser (performs any action on the site), the cookie attributes determine if and when cookies will be sent along with the response.

If the user requests an image from a third-party site, where the domain name is not the same, a cookie with the SameSite attribute will not collect user information across sites.

This means that a third-party cookie with “Lax” can be sent when a user clicks a link to the cookie’s site but will not be able to load advertisements from another site in an iframe, for example, as this uses the HTTP command POST, which is considered less secure.

Third-party cookies are often blocked and deleted through browser settings and security settings such as same origin policy; by default, Mozilla Firefox blocks all third-party cookies; Chrome and Apple Safari have recently begun doing so as well.

Tiếp đó, để mọi nguời hiểu sâu hơn về What is a Third-Party Cookie? – TechTarget-6024 ( https://www.techtarget.com › definition ) , mình còn viết thêm một bài viết liên quan tới bài viết này nhằm tổng hợp các kiến thức về The Third Party Chap 60 . Mời các bạn cùng thưởng thức !

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