Sales Assistant job description template – Workable Resources-147190
Nội dung bài viết:
We are looking for a competitive retail Sales Assistant to help customers identify and purchase products they desire.
A Sales Assistant works alongside a Cashier.
The day-to-day work of a Sales Assistant includes greeting customers as they enter their store and answering questions about products or services.
A Sales Assistant is responsible for greeting and serving customers as they enter their store and advising them on products or services available in-store.
Tiếp đó, để mọi nguời hiểu sâu hơn về Sales Assistant job description template – Workable Resources-147190 ( › sales-as… ) , mình còn viết thêm một bài viết liên quan tới bài viết này nhằm tổng hợp các kiến thức về Sale Assistant la gì . Mời các bạn cùng thưởng thức !